Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mid-Week Workout - Three days until GAMEDAY!!

It was a pretty uneventful Wednesday actually, which suited me just fine being that Monday and Tuesday this week felt like they lasted a month. I still had my full tank of gas from yesterday so I was out the door and ready for my daily traffic sit by 8:30.

I wanted to stay on my schedule this week and at minimum do a spin class tonight on my way home. I did manage to get by Lifetime Fitness for the 6:00pm spin class. It was an anaerobic threshold class and while I wouldn't say any spin class is easy its just not the same as those classes I used to do at ATS. On the other hand, I can actually enjoy the class and almost look forward to getting started as opposed to walking into ATS and having that feeling of impending DOOM and DREAD! In any case I suppose I will eventually have to get back to classes at ATS if I ever want to get into the best bike shape possible. My goal is to start back there around the first of the year...or maybe spring...we'll see:)

Now, onto more important news. I am starting to get a little nervous for the game on Saturday. Our big win last week makes each upcoming game that much more important. Its Kentucky, which in the past meant an easy victory, but I certainly wouldn't say that's true anymore. Too much parity in the SEC for my comfort level. Damnit!!

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