Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lazy Weekends/Crazy Weeks

Okay I know its been way too many days since I have updated. It has been an unbelievable couple of weeks in regards to the financial markets so from a work standpoint...CRAZY!!! I'm starting to feel a little more positive though...I can "feel" the momentum starting to shift and I am betting on a huge turn-around...within days...maybe a week at most. Don't be fooled however by my optimism...I've never been particularly good at "gut" feeling predictions.

In any case, back to the blog. As I recall I left things after a pretty good 7 mile run on Thursday October 2, 2008.

Friday October 3, 2008:

I decide since I had such a "strong" and consistent training week and just a horrible work week I am going to continue this trend and do my 2nd spin class of the week on Friday. I rush home, take Maggie out and pack my workout bag. I check the spin class schedule and am not too disappointed to see..THERE IS NO FRIDAY NIGHT SPIN CLASS OFFERED!!...Darn..oh well, I decide to eat a huge steak and drink a beer instead. I tell myself I'll run tomorrow before our football game since we don't play until 3:30 and I will get a good swim in as well.

Saturday October 3, 2008:

I wake up at 10:30 and decide I need to eat a good breakfast before my run. Afterwards I sit on the couch, nap and watch football all day. I mean I literally don't leave the house. Alabama barely squeaks by least we are 6-0!! I decide I will get up early and go for a long bike ride on Sunday morning to make up for my total slackness today.

Sunday October 4, 2008:

I wake up with a huge crick in my neck. I cannot look to the left without a terrible pain. I decide I should probably not go out and ride my bike today. I will go to the gym and ride the stationary bike instead. I later rationalize that it was a good thing because where I ride was hosting an organized century ride and I would have been in the way and very unwelcome since I hadn't paid and would have been stopping and eating/drinking their food for free. I do make it to the gym and and after a very un-inspired 30 minutes on the bike I decide to go home, drink beer and watch football. For good measure I stop at the store and buy 2lbs of King Crab legs to help me enjoy my afternoon.

Wednesday October 8, 2008:

Monday and Tuesday are consumed with work so no working out either day. DAMN I suck. Finally I get off my lazy butt and head to the 6:00pm spin class. I work "extra" hard during class to make up for my slackness this week..still not as hard as at ATS but what are you going to do. I promise myself I am going to get more consistent starting today!

Hmm...We'll just see how that goes:)

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