Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Consistency is the Hobgoblin of the Simple Mind!

Trying to stay at least somewhat consistent if nothing else...which at this point, nothing else seems to be winning out more times than not. Although overall not a bad week and weekend. I did manage to talk Carole into being my coach starting on November 1, so there was some progress made. She seems very motivating and truly interested in helping me reach my yet to be defined goals. Either that or she needs students really badly...either way it should work out.

Thursday October 16, 2008:

Made it to spin class at Lifetime after a long workday. Probably the worst and most annoying instructor I have ever had. I couldn't hear or understand anything she was saying to do, so I had no idea where we were trying to get to or when the intervals were ending, etc. Probably had something to do with me being in a bad mood, probably also had something to do with the fact that she TOTALLY SUCKED! So...no more Thursday evening classes for me that's for sure!

Saturday October 18, 2008:

After watching another harrowing victory by my Crimson Tide over the Ole Miss Rebels I decided to celebrate with a run. I ran a 5 mile loop I have mapped around my house and felt absolutely fantastic. Best I have felt running in quite a while. I think it had to do with the very cool night air at about 65 degrees. Perfect for a run. I felt actually "fast" by my standards and was not even slightly winded at the finish.

Monday October 19, 2008:

Made it to another spin class and prayed on the way there I would not have the same instructor I had Thursday. Those prayers were answered and actually had a pretty good class. I loafed through the third and final effort, not really on purpose but I was distracted by watching the 2005 Hawaii Ironman DVD they had playing during class. The whole Brian Breen story as he raced for Blais, the Hoyts, all sorts of inspiring stories. Made me feel like a total loser for whining the last few weeks about my non-existent problems.

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