Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Aerobic Endurance

Today I did an Aerobic Endudrance spin class at Lifetime Fitness. We did 5 x 10 minute intervals designed to reach AT at end of each interval. I tried to keep my heart rate below 155 as discussed with my new coach (AT is 167) and managed to do so for about 1 of the intervals, but I felt like a lazy JACKASS and succumb to the pressure.

Max heart rate reached was 170...average was 148 so that part was good:) Overall pretty good, easy workout. Getting ready to start serious training beginning November 1,2008. I just got my first 10 days worth of schedules from my new coach, Carole Sharpless. Its look busy, but not too difficult...we'll see how it goes though:) I'm anxious to get training and also have some accountability. I do much better under a little pressure:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Consistency is the Hobgoblin of the Simple Mind!

Trying to stay at least somewhat consistent if nothing else...which at this point, nothing else seems to be winning out more times than not. Although overall not a bad week and weekend. I did manage to talk Carole into being my coach starting on November 1, so there was some progress made. She seems very motivating and truly interested in helping me reach my yet to be defined goals. Either that or she needs students really badly...either way it should work out.

Thursday October 16, 2008:

Made it to spin class at Lifetime after a long workday. Probably the worst and most annoying instructor I have ever had. I couldn't hear or understand anything she was saying to do, so I had no idea where we were trying to get to or when the intervals were ending, etc. Probably had something to do with me being in a bad mood, probably also had something to do with the fact that she TOTALLY SUCKED! So...no more Thursday evening classes for me that's for sure!

Saturday October 18, 2008:

After watching another harrowing victory by my Crimson Tide over the Ole Miss Rebels I decided to celebrate with a run. I ran a 5 mile loop I have mapped around my house and felt absolutely fantastic. Best I have felt running in quite a while. I think it had to do with the very cool night air at about 65 degrees. Perfect for a run. I felt actually "fast" by my standards and was not even slightly winded at the finish.

Monday October 19, 2008:

Made it to another spin class and prayed on the way there I would not have the same instructor I had Thursday. Those prayers were answered and actually had a pretty good class. I loafed through the third and final effort, not really on purpose but I was distracted by watching the 2005 Hawaii Ironman DVD they had playing during class. The whole Brian Breen story as he raced for Blais, the Hoyts, all sorts of inspiring stories. Made me feel like a total loser for whining the last few weeks about my non-existent problems.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Easy Run/Painful Crashes

Made it out for another quick (by my standards) 2-1/2 mile run. I again waited until too late to start so anything longer was out of the question unless I wanted to get pegged by a car at about 60 mph. Based on how my days have been going...maybe not such a terrible thing.

I have finally given up on Tony...talked to Carole Sharpless and think I am going to use her as my coach starting in November. She actually just moved to Boulder...how cool is that?!! I heard Tony was in another bike accident over the weekend...poor guy...broken collar bone, the works. Not good. In any case I have been involved in approximately 4 major crashes of my own within the past week...they all relate to the stock market and are just as freakn' painful!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday Spin

Made it to spin class this evening. Its actually getting much harder. Not sure if I am adjusting to a less intense class, working harder or what...either way...it put a little hurtin' on me tonight!

I actually thought about swimming afterwards, but quickly left that thought in the locker room as I made my way home for a good dinner!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hittn' It Hard!!

Well another not so scintillating workout weekend, but a pretty good football watching weekend!! At this point I can't even remember my reasons for not working out on Friday and Saturday, but I am sure they were totally valid.

Sunday 10/12/2008

My plan today is to rise early and get in a good long bike ride for a change, but I am foiled by a rainy, windy Sunday in Atlanta. I do decide since I am up early to go ahead and go to spin class at Lifetime. I don't want a repeat of last Sunday and don't trust my motivation at this point. Class is actually pretty hard so I feel much better about myself and decide to reward my efforts with a long nap and full day of watching Pro Football. Good game by the Falcons...nothing like making a 50 yard kick with 1 sec on the clock for the win!!

Monday 10/13/2008

No major plan but when I get home I do manage to get in a short 2-1/2 mile run. I actually feel pretty good but unfortunately started too late to run any further since it was pretty dark by the time I finish. Dammit...I hate it when I do that.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lazy Weekends/Crazy Weeks

Okay I know its been way too many days since I have updated. It has been an unbelievable couple of weeks in regards to the financial markets so from a work standpoint...CRAZY!!! I'm starting to feel a little more positive though...I can "feel" the momentum starting to shift and I am betting on a huge turn-around...within days...maybe a week at most. Don't be fooled however by my optimism...I've never been particularly good at "gut" feeling predictions.

In any case, back to the blog. As I recall I left things after a pretty good 7 mile run on Thursday October 2, 2008.

Friday October 3, 2008:

I decide since I had such a "strong" and consistent training week and just a horrible work week I am going to continue this trend and do my 2nd spin class of the week on Friday. I rush home, take Maggie out and pack my workout bag. I check the spin class schedule and am not too disappointed to see..THERE IS NO FRIDAY NIGHT SPIN CLASS OFFERED!!...Darn..oh well, I decide to eat a huge steak and drink a beer instead. I tell myself I'll run tomorrow before our football game since we don't play until 3:30 and I will get a good swim in as well.

Saturday October 3, 2008:

I wake up at 10:30 and decide I need to eat a good breakfast before my run. Afterwards I sit on the couch, nap and watch football all day. I mean I literally don't leave the house. Alabama barely squeaks by Kentucky...whew...at least we are 6-0!! I decide I will get up early and go for a long bike ride on Sunday morning to make up for my total slackness today.

Sunday October 4, 2008:

I wake up with a huge crick in my neck. I cannot look to the left without a terrible pain. I decide I should probably not go out and ride my bike today. I will go to the gym and ride the stationary bike instead. I later rationalize that it was a good thing because where I ride was hosting an organized century ride and I would have been in the way and very unwelcome since I hadn't paid and would have been stopping and eating/drinking their food for free. I do make it to the gym and and after a very un-inspired 30 minutes on the bike I decide to go home, drink beer and watch football. For good measure I stop at the store and buy 2lbs of King Crab legs to help me enjoy my afternoon.

Wednesday October 8, 2008:

Monday and Tuesday are consumed with work so no working out either day. DAMN I suck. Finally I get off my lazy butt and head to the 6:00pm spin class. I work "extra" hard during class to make up for my slackness this week..still not as hard as at ATS but what are you going to do. I promise myself I am going to get more consistent starting today!

Hmm...We'll just see how that goes:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Long Week - "Long Run" - Long on Frustration - Should Have "Shorted" the Market

Wow ...this week needs to be over with and fast!! Between the krappy market and the gas shortage I'm about over it. However I do believe the gas shortage is coming to an end in Atlanta. My hypothesis is based on the fact that there were way too many cars on the road this morning on my way to work. The one nice thing about the gas shortage...no traffic...today's commute to work....2 hours!!!

According to my "schedule" today is supposed to be my "long-run" day. I am not sure however, exactly what a long run means to me at this point. I mean Monday felt like a pretty long run and it was just 5 miles. I get home and decide since its such a beautiful evening I'll just run from the house. Since work has been more than a little frustrating I feel like it might be good to push myself a little, so I am feeling motivated and decide to do one of the larger loops I have clocked around my house. Its about a 7 mile loop and very hilly so I just hope I can make it. I started out a little rough and the first 2 miles or so were pretty painful but once I got running it wasn't too bad. I was painfully slow, but hey at this point I'm just looking for a little consistency. Tomorrow the plan is for another spin class as well as a swim. We'll see how that plan develops.

Now my only decision is whether to watch the Debate or the USF-Pitt game...j/k...come on...its really no decision... I know where my priorities are...its ESPN all the way!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mid-Week Workout - Three days until GAMEDAY!!

It was a pretty uneventful Wednesday actually, which suited me just fine being that Monday and Tuesday this week felt like they lasted a month. I still had my full tank of gas from yesterday so I was out the door and ready for my daily traffic sit by 8:30.

I wanted to stay on my schedule this week and at minimum do a spin class tonight on my way home. I did manage to get by Lifetime Fitness for the 6:00pm spin class. It was an anaerobic threshold class and while I wouldn't say any spin class is easy its just not the same as those classes I used to do at ATS. On the other hand, I can actually enjoy the class and almost look forward to getting started as opposed to walking into ATS and having that feeling of impending DOOM and DREAD! In any case I suppose I will eventually have to get back to classes at ATS if I ever want to get into the best bike shape possible. My goal is to start back there around the first of the year...or maybe spring...we'll see:)

Now, onto more important news. I am starting to get a little nervous for the game on Saturday. Our big win last week makes each upcoming game that much more important. Its Kentucky, which in the past meant an easy victory, but I certainly wouldn't say that's true anymore. Too much parity in the SEC for my comfort level. Damnit!!