Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stop n' Go Training

Overall I have had a pretty good week (actually week + 2 days) since my last post. Notice I have already broken 2 of my New Year's resolutions in one sentence. Consistent training and weekly post update....damn it.

In any case, last week was mostly positive, I did get de-railed mid-week due to a busy work schedule, several big juicy rationalizations, laziness, inertia, total slackness, canine needs, apathy...hhmmm maybe the work schedule comment was a little overstated.

Instead of boring everyone, including myself (who am I anyone other than Reg actually reads this) with the coma inducing details I'll just lay out the raw numbers for the week.

Overall numbers for the week ending Sunday 01/25/09:

The good news was I got in about 11hrs and 45 minutes training time, including 6,600 yds swimmming, 20 miles running and about 4 1/2 hours on the bike trainer. The bad news, I was still about 3 hours short of my training schedule and I haven't been out on the bike in weeks!!! I hope these trainer rides translate at some point! I did find out that there was a mistake on my schedule so I was not scheduled for 17 hours as I originally thought...Thank GOD!!!

This week is a recovery week with minimal scheduled efforts through Thursday. Unfortunately the Siesta ends rather abruptly beginning Friday with a 1-1/2 hr Aerobic threshold run test and a LONG training weekend...ah well, what the heck else do I have to do. I am taking advantage of my break by joining my father tonight at the club for the ALL YOU CAN EAT PRIME RIB!! I plan on making myself sick and raising my cholesteral level by at least 30 points!!

Kudos go out to my future friends, training buddies and race companions Brit and Steph...who I am told completed their first marathon over the weekend. GREAT JOB GUYS!!!! Your strong efforts inspired my very productive Sunday workout!!

1 comment:

Reg said...

I forwarded your blog to a couple of people! Keep that in mind as you write your next entry. You've got a big audience now!