Friday, June 3, 2011

Time to HTFU!!!!

It's 70.3 time - Macon, Ga - Record Heat, Humidity and very Hilly. AWESOME!!! I have a feeling this one might hurt a little bit! Definitely a good time to HTFU!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Three Months and Counting!!! YIKES!!

Well actually yesterday was the three month point before Louisville!! HOLY KRAP, just writing that makes my heart jump a little!! Its been a while(a LONG while) since my last post, so I though an update would be in order! Even though I haven't posted since April 19th...I HAVE been training HARD!! REALLY!!!! Just not much on the blogging....I mean NOBODY reads this damn blog anyway!!

So since my last blog, I have had 2 races. The John Tanner sprint which I did really shitty. Should have warmed-up I think...just couldn't get it going after the start. Peachtree International distance was two weeks later and I felt a little better about that race, not great mind you but better:) This weekend I have Macon half-ironman. Record heat, hilly, humidity...AWESOME!!! Can't wait, should be a good fitness test for sure, but I'm definitely not looking forward to that run in all that heat.

Training has been good. I'm up to swimming 2,000 meters regularly, still slow but I will start Masters swim classes June 1st. I think this will give me 3 good months of swim training which should help me to speed up a little. Running is so-so. I felt like I was doing better until the heat started racheting up lately. Really zaps my energy out there running long distances in freakin' 90+ degree weather. Bike is going great. I'm faster than I ever have been and riding 60-80 miles consistently. After the race this weekend I'll start dialing up the bike mileage as well.

Not that any of this matters...I will probably be dead after racing in Macon this weekend anyway!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peaks & Valleys!!!

Overall I had a GREAT week training last week. Very full and busy, heavy volume(at least from the perspective of a guy with legs that look like they have spent the last 5 years in a wheelchair)and a little speed work mixed in as well. Week consisted of 2 swim days, 2 hard spin classes, 1 weight training workout, 3 runs counting a 13 mile run on Saturday, and a long 80 mile bike up in Cartersville on Sunday followed by a 3 mile transition run. Overall I felt very good, I stayed with the group for the entire ride, which is always an achievement for me. They took it easy on me, but it still was faster than I am used to, so it was definitely pushing the envelope as far as my "comfort" zone was concerned. I am also especially proud to say that I took a total of ZERO turns pulling at the front and was happily sitting on the wheels of Tony, Debra and Jerome for the ENTIRE ride!!...AND...I didn't feel the LEAST bit bad about it!!

So after the weekend, I was feeling good, confidence is building, enjoyed a rest day yesterday and came into spin class this morning "ready to go". I promptly was brought back to reality by having probably the worst day I've had in ...well..a long time!! 1 x 40 tempo class with my target heart rate for the day...165...I struggled to maintain above 152 and NEVER was able to get higher than like 156...THE ENTIRE FUCKING CLASS!!! WOW...and was MISERABLE. I looked SO bad I think Tony actually felt sorry for me because he really didn't even say anything!

So much for confidence...always good to get a full dose of reality!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OUCH!!...What was I saying about feeling good??!!!

Just under 5 months until race day!! Unfortunately after bragging in my last post about how good I was feeling...I just got my ASS totally handed to me by doing two ATS spin classes in a row!!! A 6 am class and then I had the pleasure of staying/(being invited to stay) for an "additional" hour of fun..FUCK!!!!Can't even walk!! Definitely procrastinating doing any work for sure...I might just go home and sleep!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Well...So Much for Easter!!

I know, I know...I am a SICK bastard!! Hey, it really wasn't even my joke. I am however the sicko who got off my bike and took the picture!! I cannot WAIT to be a dad!!:) So, anyway...back to Ironman training. Great weekend training, after a relatively hard week as well. I can say with absolute certainty and clarity...Talking about training for an Ironman is WAY more glamorous than actually training for an Ironman. This revelation occurred to me quite suddenly on Thursday morning as I was running, after my 6 am spin class, in the rain with the outside temperature at 45 degrees, through the hills at Chastain park!! Amazing these thoughts just suddenly come to me...I'll just never understand fully...!!

Nice fast 11 mile run on Saturday. I was especially pleased after a long night partying at Park Tavern watching Ed Roland(Collective Soul) and Kevin Griffen's (Better than Ezra) acoustic show Friday night!! Followed by a very nice 70 mile bike in Chasland on Sunday morning with my 2 new Favorite riders!! Burt and Debra!!! I feel really good at this point. To be honest maybe too good??? I am 5 months out from race day and feel absolutely ahead of schedule...sooooooo....I guess time will tell. Hopefully I can stay healthy and not make a total ass of myself at the race!

I have signed up for John Tanner on April 30th and plan to do Peachtree International on May 14th as well. Haven't decided which half ironman to do. I'm currently wavering between Macon, Boise, or Kansas City...although I will probably avoid traveling to Kansas if I can help it!!

Congrats to Kebby Holden...what a FUCKING stud!!!! Winning her age group at Oceanside and qualifying for Kona her first race of the year!!! Awesome job!! Great motivation. I used your performance for run motivation on Saturday so....THANKS!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...and the Road is Long!!

Training is still going very least I'm not hurt at this point, which is a serious step up from my previous races!! The last few weeks have been fairly busy and focused. I did participate in the Publix 1/2 marathon on March 21st...which just happened to fall on the first day of spring!!...Coincidence?...I think not! The following week was a little slow and sporadic, I felt like I was taking it easy during the race, but I have to say I sure felt it for most of the following week. I did make a few spin classes and survived, but tried to run a few times and ended up just doing short little runs, trying to loosen everything up. This week will be a pretty hard week volume wise...assuming of course I get everything done:) Check back on Sunday and I'll keep you posted!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

V8...Its Nutritious & Delicious

Great weather in the ATL led to a really nice training weekend. 70 mile bike with my friend Burt on Saturday followed by a 3 mile transition run. The actual run was slower than a frozen bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup, but ..Hey..I did complete it. Legs were super tired though!! My shin felt like my dentist shot it full of novocaine!! I followed this with an 11 mile run on Sunday, again slow, but I'm basically just going for volume at this least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!

Good swim on Monday drills and main set consisting of ~2,000 meters. Should be a pretty hard week ahead as long as I can find the time (and energy) to accomplish everything. The week ends with a Century ride on Saturday and then the Publix 1/2 marathon on Sunday, so that should be interesting to say the least or maybe you can just label me a JACKASS ....and we'll call it a day!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

6 Months and Counting!!!

Okay, okay...I know...I have come to the realization that I TOTALLY suck at blogging. I am however a little better at training. A little less than 6 months before Louisville and overall the training is going well. I feel like I have a great base built up, so now its time to pick up the intensity and volume!!! Started 6am spin classes at ATS twice a week beginning March 1 and I can feel a big difference in my legs already....Meaning THEY ARE FUCKING tired all the time!!!!! Thanks Tony:)

Hopefully spring is here to stay, which will make training MUCH easier! I WILL try and post a little more often...but no promises!!!