Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peaks & Valleys!!!

Overall I had a GREAT week training last week. Very full and busy, heavy volume(at least from the perspective of a guy with legs that look like they have spent the last 5 years in a wheelchair)and a little speed work mixed in as well. Week consisted of 2 swim days, 2 hard spin classes, 1 weight training workout, 3 runs counting a 13 mile run on Saturday, and a long 80 mile bike up in Cartersville on Sunday followed by a 3 mile transition run. Overall I felt very good, I stayed with the group for the entire ride, which is always an achievement for me. They took it easy on me, but it still was faster than I am used to, so it was definitely pushing the envelope as far as my "comfort" zone was concerned. I am also especially proud to say that I took a total of ZERO turns pulling at the front and was happily sitting on the wheels of Tony, Debra and Jerome for the ENTIRE ride!!...AND...I didn't feel the LEAST bit bad about it!!

So after the weekend, I was feeling good, confidence is building, enjoyed a rest day yesterday and came into spin class this morning "ready to go". I promptly was brought back to reality by having probably the worst day I've had in ...well..a long time!! 1 x 40 tempo class with my target heart rate for the day...165...I struggled to maintain above 152 and NEVER was able to get higher than like 156...THE ENTIRE FUCKING CLASS!!! WOW...and was MISERABLE. I looked SO bad I think Tony actually felt sorry for me because he really didn't even say anything!

So much for confidence...always good to get a full dose of reality!!

1 comment:

Reg said...

Can you please post some more?