Friday, January 30, 2009

Rest Week is Over!!

To me, when your coach says to "hang in there, there is a recovery week coming". I really believe they mean a "recovery week" is coming...namely a
7-day period of time with limited workouts allowing your body to fully recover and grow stronger. I was however, gravely mistaken on this minor point. Apparently a recovery week is actually only a 5-day period of time that allows your body to somewhat recover...because my recovery week definitely ends tomorrow.

Overall this week was pretty mild with Monday off and a 40 minute "easy" spin Tuesday. Wednesday was an "easy" 1800 meters swim, which embarrassingly enough still made me tired..but we'll just keep that to ourselves...followed by a 30 minute run. All of the above workouts were at a low heart rate, very low intensity. Today I picked up the pace a little with a 10 minute warm-up run followed by a 5 mile AeT test. Unfortunately I'm still not seeing much improvements in my times. Of course the 5 lbs of Prime Rib I ate on Wednesday might have a slight negative effect on this test. But you know what...who was absolutely worth it:)

So looking over my schedule I see a pretty tough 10 days ahead. Starting with a 60 mile ride tomorrow and ending with a 75 mile ride next Sunday. Let's hope it warms up at least a little. Otherwise parents will be hearing their little children screaming, "Hey there goes the Michelin Man! I didn't know he could ride a bike"!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stop n' Go Training

Overall I have had a pretty good week (actually week + 2 days) since my last post. Notice I have already broken 2 of my New Year's resolutions in one sentence. Consistent training and weekly post update....damn it.

In any case, last week was mostly positive, I did get de-railed mid-week due to a busy work schedule, several big juicy rationalizations, laziness, inertia, total slackness, canine needs, apathy...hhmmm maybe the work schedule comment was a little overstated.

Instead of boring everyone, including myself (who am I anyone other than Reg actually reads this) with the coma inducing details I'll just lay out the raw numbers for the week.

Overall numbers for the week ending Sunday 01/25/09:

The good news was I got in about 11hrs and 45 minutes training time, including 6,600 yds swimmming, 20 miles running and about 4 1/2 hours on the bike trainer. The bad news, I was still about 3 hours short of my training schedule and I haven't been out on the bike in weeks!!! I hope these trainer rides translate at some point! I did find out that there was a mistake on my schedule so I was not scheduled for 17 hours as I originally thought...Thank GOD!!!

This week is a recovery week with minimal scheduled efforts through Thursday. Unfortunately the Siesta ends rather abruptly beginning Friday with a 1-1/2 hr Aerobic threshold run test and a LONG training weekend...ah well, what the heck else do I have to do. I am taking advantage of my break by joining my father tonight at the club for the ALL YOU CAN EAT PRIME RIB!! I plan on making myself sick and raising my cholesteral level by at least 30 points!!

Kudos go out to my future friends, training buddies and race companions Brit and Steph...who I am told completed their first marathon over the weekend. GREAT JOB GUYS!!!! Your strong efforts inspired my very productive Sunday workout!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have decided at this point I am going to focus on the good things I accomplished last week as opposed to focusing on the bad, or rather the things I didn't get done. Overall I think I managed to make about 60% of my scheduled workouts. This included three good trainer days on the bike at Lifetime with each session lasting a minimum of 1hr and 30 minutes. One swim test and two pretty decent runs, including a 40 minute run Sunday after a pretty intense bike session. Thursday and Friday were a total bust, but I managed to stop at least part of the slide by getting back on the bike on Saturday afternoon.

I won't mention the two long runs, long bike session and long swim I totally blew off. This week looks to be a very long week with both work and my training schedule. I think Carole is either taking out her frustrations on me or else living through my scheduled workouts...scheduled training time this week...17:45...yes you read that correctly...17 freakn' hours....that my friends is what I call UGLY!!

Guess I better get to it. Kudos to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. for his hard work. Not only did he lead the greatest Civil rights movement our country has ever experienced, his efforts also lead to a nice holiday allowing me to get a head start on my training. Thanks MLK!! You rock!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Half, Olympic and Sprint Distance Tri- All in a Single Day??

Well not exactly, but it sure felt like it. My schedule called for time in all three disciplines today and the nasty Atlanta weather meant a very long afternoon at Lifetime Fitness. Its a really good thing I like that place. This morning was cold and rainy and based on my past experiences on the bike..(i.e. see pictures of blue feet)...I can handle one or the other but never both!

I started with a long swim. Total distance was 3,000 meters. Started with 500 m warm-up and did a 2,200 m long set today, then finished with a 300 m cool down. I don't think I've done a long swim since Arizona in April. Overall I felt okay, very slow but what are you gonna do? My form went to crap faster than a snow cone melts in July at the 1,500 m point, but despite feeling like I was about to drown I somehow managed to finish.

Next I moved to the spin bikes and put in 2 hours on the trainer. 30 minute warm-up and 10x2 minutes very hard/increasing strength efforts with a 1 minute spin in between sets. It was pretty hard actually and then finished up with 2x20 minute sets of medium effort trying to keep heart rate in the low 150's for the duration. Met a pretty cool guy who is doing his first Triathlon in Mexico City. Its called the Beach Bash and is an Olympic distance race in April. I need to check it out...sounded pretty cool. He spun with me for about an hour and it helped break up the boredom, but I had to do the second hour on my own. I sure hope the weather starts to cooperate because these long trainer days are getting PAINFUL!!!

Finished up with a 30 minute run on the treadmill that actually felt pretty good. Total effort for the day was Half-iron swim (actually a little more), Olympic Bike (also a little more), and Sprint run. Good day and also a nice way to finish up a pretty strong week. Total Swim time 3:05, Bike time 3:20, Run time 4:45 and Core/Stength 1:00!!!

I noticed my Oceanside countdown clock is telling me the race is 79 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes and 20...19 ..18 seconds till race start!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Abs of Steel?? Or Legs of Lead!!!!

Definitely legs of lead today. I was pretty tired after a long week...unfortunately my schedule for the weekend looks to be even longer! Did a 1hr 30minute run today outside. It was a nice evening, very cool but not uncomfortable. Felt pretty sluggish for the first 45 minutes or so, but then got my legs under me and felt better for the second half of the run. Goal today was to keep heart rate down and clock the middle 5 miles of the run. I did manage to clock 2 miles of the run but my heart rate was jacked all day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sneezing Underwater is Possible!!

Overall a pretty good workout today. Started with a good Core workout and did pretty heavy arm strength/lifting for the first time in a long while.

I actually sneezed underwater during my swim. I was just cruising along and felt a little tickle, thought no way I could actually have to sneeze...I mean come on...I'm in the freaking water..and ...WACHOOOOOOOO!!! No worries..didn't even break rhythym. You see, you do learn something new every few years. Did the majority of my scheduled swim, I had to cut it a little short because I was trying to make it to a spin class. Did a total of 2,400 meters.

I made it up to the cycle room at 6:15 for what I thought was a 6:30 class. I was scheduled to ride for 1:20. Schedule changed though and spin class was actually moved to 7:15pm, dang it, should have finished the I ended up doing the first hour on my own and finishing the last 20 minutes with the class.

Pretty good day and now I get to watch the National Championship Game!!! BOOMER SOONER!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hurts so Good!

Trying to keep good momentum through the first week of the New Year!!! Its January 6th and so far so good. I know its early but hey, its a start.

Sunday weather in the ATL was still not great. Not terrible, I did manage a nice run outside for about 6 miles, but did my hour and a half bike on the trainer again at Lifetime Fitness. Monday was a low key weight sessions and 2,300meter swim. Today was another run. Total time out was about an hour but I had 7 hill repeats in the run that put a little hurt on me!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rain & Fog lead to lots of Trainer Time

Really nasty weather here in Atlanta. I woke up to pretty severe fog and a slight mist so I decided to due my "long" ride indoors today. I did 2hrs on the spin bike at Lifetime Fitness. 10 minute warm-up with 4 x 20min sets in aero-position. Took 5 minute nutrition breaks between sets and finished with a 15 minute warm down. Felt pretty good. Average heart rate for the effort was about 145 including the breaks. Followed with an easy 20 minute run directly off the bike. Overall it felt like a pretty good effort. I was a little shaky right off the bike but loosened up pretty quickly.