Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Official" Training Begins...really...I mean it this time

This weekend saw my first "official" training plan sprung into action. I got my first 10 day training plan from Carole a few days ago and it started on Saturday, November 1. First day had 2 workouts amounting to a swim and run. At first glance they seemed pretty low key, but I have to admit...the swim totally kicked my ass...all told it was 3,000 meters of swimming... and I was wiped. The hour run afterward wasn't too terrible, but I was still pretty tired...thank god she told me to not let my heart rate go above 155.

Sunday's plan amounted to a 40 mile bike ride again keeping my heart rate below 150...very difficult for me to do...every time I hit a hill and checked I was well above 160..oh well...I'll keep trying. Despite all of the above, to me the most important thing right now is that at least for the next week...ALABAMA IS RANKED #1!!!!!!!!! ROLL TIDE!!!!

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