Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Treadmills, Spin Bikes, Instructors and Sharts!

Not necessarily in that order unfortunately(:. Interesting week thus far. I totally blew off my Monday core, lift and swim session. I just didn't feel like doing anything after a long weekend. Carole had scheduled me for not one but two runs sessions on Tuesday. First session was a 1-1/4 hr run and later in the day an additional 40 minute run. I knew as soon as I read my schedule that it just wasn't happening. The alternative was 1 run in the 1-1/2 hr range. I figured my best bet was to attempt the latter. I managed to hit the gym at about 6pm after work and got through the first hour on the treadmill. I was starting to rationalize why 1 hr was totally enough, when I noticed the HOT spin instructor I like to fantasize about heading towards the spin classroom. Hhhm, I could cut my run short and get an extra hour of aerobic endurance on the spin bike?

Sounded like a plan to me, so I hustled downstairs grabbed my spin shoes and headed up to spin class for a 7:15 pm start. Somewhere along the way I managed to expel some fairly noxious, pent up GU gases prior to my entering the spin room. At that time I failed to notice anything "different." Probably because I was already very sweaty from my run. Unfortunately that perception changed about 2-3 minutes into class when I noticed a very disgusting smell coming from somebody near me...but there is no one near me..."what the that me?". Simultaneously I also noticed a little excess moisture floating around in my bike shorts. I could not have just sharted in my pants, could I? Are you kidding me? I'm 45 years old and I just...damn it!!

I should have left class immediately, but pride took over and I somehow managed to muttle through, disgusting myself the entire time. What can I say. When you gamble...sometimes you lose.

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