Monday, February 9, 2009

The Gaps! Mountainous Training Ride or Cavernous Training Void?

Overall not a bad week last week, although I did get a little de-railed at the week's end as usual. I think my last post was after a pretty horrific shart on Tuesday.

Rest of the week was pretty benign with a long trainer ride Thurday and short run and swim on Friday. Saturday consisted of a pretty long run of 1-1/2 hours that I really struggled with. I just felt tired during the whole run. It was a really pretty day though so I just ran around the neighborhood and followed up with a nice bike ride on Sugarloaf. I usually don't like to ride there with all the traffic, but I just didn't feel like driving anywhere to complete a pretty short ride of 1-1/2hours. I also wanted test out my "old" Trek road bike since my plan was to go to the Gaps on Sunday and enjoy the nice weather and I didn't want to be out in the middle of nowhere if there was a problem.

Sunday morning I decided to hit the Gaps. It was first time going up there in almost a year. Unfortunately they decided to hit back! I guess the long layoff was a little shocking to the legs. My original plan was to do at least the 3 gap 50 and maybe a few more if I felt good. That question was settled after going 0.000001 miles on Neel's (I think even before I actually reached the climb)as my legs screamed for me to stop and go back.

Overall it wasn't a terrible ride but it definitely left me a little more than worn out. I ended up doing Neel's, Wolfpen, Woody's and a quick jaunt up Pigsah Mountain before returning to Turner's Corner. Not sure how I will hold up this week at Mt Lemon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Treadmills, Spin Bikes, Instructors and Sharts!

Not necessarily in that order unfortunately(:. Interesting week thus far. I totally blew off my Monday core, lift and swim session. I just didn't feel like doing anything after a long weekend. Carole had scheduled me for not one but two runs sessions on Tuesday. First session was a 1-1/4 hr run and later in the day an additional 40 minute run. I knew as soon as I read my schedule that it just wasn't happening. The alternative was 1 run in the 1-1/2 hr range. I figured my best bet was to attempt the latter. I managed to hit the gym at about 6pm after work and got through the first hour on the treadmill. I was starting to rationalize why 1 hr was totally enough, when I noticed the HOT spin instructor I like to fantasize about heading towards the spin classroom. Hhhm, I could cut my run short and get an extra hour of aerobic endurance on the spin bike?

Sounded like a plan to me, so I hustled downstairs grabbed my spin shoes and headed up to spin class for a 7:15 pm start. Somewhere along the way I managed to expel some fairly noxious, pent up GU gases prior to my entering the spin room. At that time I failed to notice anything "different." Probably because I was already very sweaty from my run. Unfortunately that perception changed about 2-3 minutes into class when I noticed a very disgusting smell coming from somebody near me...but there is no one near me..."what the that me?". Simultaneously I also noticed a little excess moisture floating around in my bike shorts. I could not have just sharted in my pants, could I? Are you kidding me? I'm 45 years old and I just...damn it!!

I should have left class immediately, but pride took over and I somehow managed to muttle through, disgusting myself the entire time. What can I say. When you gamble...sometimes you lose.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Finally... The Sun!!

Finally got to get out on the bike this weekend. Not for my long ride on Saturday as I had hoped but at least I got out for my scheduled Sunday recovery ride. Overall I had a good weekend. I probably could have ridden outside on Saturday, but just couldn't make myself brave the not only cold, but also very windy conditions. Bottom line I am a total WUSS, no other excuses are relevant.

I still had a good workout at Lifetime. I spent 2-1/2 hours on the spin bike and did the pretty intense workout Carole had prepared for me. Probably easier to do this on the trainer anyway..I know...that was a GIANT rationalization...Overall workout had a short warm-up and then 4x3min Muscular Endurance intervals (really hard resistance at 50-60 rpms)followed by 4x25min down and dirty Aero position intervals with heart rate no higher than 152 bpm (but no lower either!). After the bike I followed up with an immediate 30 minute run on the treadmill that actually felt surprisingly good.

Today I met my friend Burt out at the Silver Comet at noon. He is brand new to triathlon and is already signed up for his first 1/2 Ironman!!. He just picked up his newly fitted Cervelo Tri bike and was anxious to try it out on the Comet! A very pretty bike by the way. We did a nice easy 2 hour ride, it was actually fun to be back out on the Silver Comet. I have not ridden out there since last year, and it was a beautiful day. Sunny and 55 degrees! Could not have been more perfect weather.

Long week ahead, and I really need to get a couple of good rides outside, so I don't freaking die when I go to Tuscon the following week. Yikes, hope the weather cooperates!