Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Like the Financial Markets- My Training is all over the place!!

After yesterday's work fiasco I thought I should get an early start on my day. Unfortunately I spent about 40 minutes looking for a gas station that actually had gas. After finally succeeding in my quest and realizing I was not significantly closer to the office than when I started...I made the command decision to work from home today and get an early start tomorrow:)

I thought I should take advantage of the afternoon and get in at least a little training since I was not that busy ...(mostly contributed to by the fact that I brought nothing home with me)..so I headed over to Lifetime Fitness about 3:30 to get in a run and swim.

Tuesday 09/30/2008:

Jumped on the treadmill for a planned easy pace 6 mile run but started whining to myself to stop after about 2 miles. I somehow negotiated with myself to stay with it for a total of 5 miles, but it is unbelievable how totally out of shape you can get so quickly. It is hard for me to believe I could actually run 18 miles at a single clip as late as April of this year. Wow...How did I lose my endurance in a such flash?!! After this I definitely felt like I needed to swim and do a quick 300 meter warm-up and then decide since I had such a bad run I will try and make myself feel better by doing a 1,500 meter swim. I haven't attempted anywhere near this distance since Arizona and I quickly remember why. My form goes to total krap after 200-300 meters and I just can't get it back. I feel like I am gasping and half drowning the whole way...miserable...I do finish my 1500 meters but when I check my time I notice this is the same time I used to be able to swim 2000 meters in...NICE!! Obviously I am not happy. I walk back through the locker room in my speedo thinking I can't feel any worse about myself until I happen to glance up and see my profile in the mirror...yikes....okay so I just thought I couldn't feel any worse than I did after the swim. Damn...home to eat a chicken breast and no more beer for at least a week...well maybe just until the game on Saturday:)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Roll Tide!/Training by Association/"D'OH!"

Okay so maybe my first post exclaiming that "Coeur d'Alene training begins", was a little overstated. My friend Reg has been busting my chops for the last few days asking me, "why haven't you been updating your blog?" Hello! Are you watching what is going on in the world of finance?

In addition, being at the Alabama-Georgia game and being an Alabama fan, that has to count for something doesn't it? I mean to even be associated with such a physical "beatdown", I must have gained some physical benefit equivalent to at least a 12 mile run or maybe a 3-gap cycle ride! Yes?

Okay so here was training/weekend update since my last blog:

Friday September 26, 2008 - Despite a very busy week, I did manage to get over to Lifetime Fitness and get in a quick 1,200 meter swim. I was planning on doing a 40 minute run on the treadmill as well but forgot my socks, so after mile and feeln' the blisters start to appear I decided to call it quits...really ...no kidding ....I forgot my socks!! That was not an excuse!

Saturday September 27, 2008. I rose early and made my way to Athens. My friend Jay Clark started his tailgate at 6:30 am!!! That is some serious tailgating considering the game wasn't until 7:45 pm!! Also made for a very long day when your team gets blown out. Let's just say my Georgia friends were none too happy when I returned to the tailgate site after the game. I snuck out of there pretty quickly with a minimum of "bragging". On a positive note, Craig Canfield was the master chef and the smoked pulled pork-butt and drunk chicken was the best it has ever been! It was a very fun day and worth the non-training cost. An old Air-Force buddy of mine, Karl Tucker, came in from Boston over the weekend to watch the game so we had a great time.

I also remember that exactly one year ago this weekend I was in Cancun Mexico getting ready to race in the Ironman Cancun 70.3. As I recall I was trying to get some much needed sleep on Saturday night as my friends called my cell all night updating me on the 2007 Georgia-Alabama game. A game which we lost in overtime. Oh well, at least my race the following day was awesome!!

On Sunday my friend didn't fly out until late so we decided to head down to Park-Tavern at the corner of Piedmont Park and it was literally a perfect day. Music, friends, and fresh brewed beer. Hopefully I'll feel it was worth it when I DNF in June!!

What do I say about today? Monday September 29, 2008, wow not the day to be a financial planner or investment manager. As Homer Simpson would say, "D'OH"!! Not a fun day !! The good new is since there is freakin' absolutely no gas to be found anywhere in the state of Georgia...I CAN'T GO TO WORK!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Coeur d'Alene '09 Training Begins!

Alright this is my first attempt at creating a blog so forgive my ineptness. I will get better as I go...promise! I thought this would be a good place to update and share with my friends training logs, tips, motivation, etc for our official Ironman Coeur dAlene training, as well as overall shared race and training experience from the past as we approach race date...currently T-8 months 27 days and counting!

I would love to get comments, suggestions, criticism, additions, whatever from any and everybody who happens to stumble across this blog. I am by no means an expert...about as far from it as is possible. I have started and finished 6 triathlons in my brief career. Two sprint distance, one Olympic, two half-Ironman and one full Ironman in that order and suffered through the majority of them! Especially Ironman Arizona in '08 :).

In general though my main goal with this blog is to keep an accurate log of my training along with all the obstacles/success I might encounter along the way. So here it goes, inconsistent training to date since April, but I am hoping to change that beginning this week!!

Saturday 9/20/08 Easy 5 mile run. Actually felt good to get out again, since I haven't run consistently since Arizona in April. Beautiful day, perfect weather for a run.

Sunday 9/21/08 Relaxed 56 mile bike ride through back roads around Monroe Georgia. Pace felt good, again it was nice to be out and riding again. My longest ride since April. I won't post times quite yet, I even turned off my speedometer so I wouldn't worry about average pace. Overall felt good, legs were a little tired but didn't feel nearly as bad as I feared prior to starting:)

09/23/08 Lifetime fitness: hit the pool for some laps. Overall swim distance was 2,000 meters. Did a 500 meter warm-up with drills, 50's and 100's. Then did a 500, 400, 300, 200,100 with about a minute rest in between sets. Made it to spin class at 6:30 for a speed class...similar to the 120's at 120% of Threshold we do with Tony, but without the accountability so not nearly as hard:)