Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Three Months and Counting!!! YIKES!!

Well actually yesterday was the three month point before Louisville!! HOLY KRAP, just writing that makes my heart jump a little!! Its been a while(a LONG while) since my last post, so I though an update would be in order! Even though I haven't posted since April 19th...I HAVE been training HARD!! REALLY!!!! Just not much on the blogging....I mean NOBODY reads this damn blog anyway!!

So since my last blog, I have had 2 races. The John Tanner sprint which I did really shitty. Should have warmed-up I think...just couldn't get it going after the start. Peachtree International distance was two weeks later and I felt a little better about that race, not great mind you but better:) This weekend I have Macon half-ironman. Record heat, hilly, humidity...AWESOME!!! Can't wait, should be a good fitness test for sure, but I'm definitely not looking forward to that run in all that heat.

Training has been good. I'm up to swimming 2,000 meters regularly, still slow but I will start Masters swim classes June 1st. I think this will give me 3 good months of swim training which should help me to speed up a little. Running is so-so. I felt like I was doing better until the heat started racheting up lately. Really zaps my energy out there running long distances in freakin' 90+ degree weather. Bike is going great. I'm faster than I ever have been and riding 60-80 miles consistently. After the race this weekend I'll start dialing up the bike mileage as well.

Not that any of this matters...I will probably be dead after racing in Macon this weekend anyway!!